Västerbergslagens Ingeniörsklubb - VBIK

Short summary in English on VBIK

An association for everyone interested in technology!

Västerberglagen's Engineers Club (VBIK) is a non-profit association that spreads knowledge about new and existing technology. The association operates mainly in Ludvika and Smedjebacken. The business is conducted in the form of lectures, discussions, seminars and study visits. VBIK also awards scholarships to high school students to fund innovative technical projects. The lectures are normally held once a month, with breaks during the summer. The lectures are normally i Swedish, but occationally we have lectures in English.

The lectures are free of charge for the members of the association, but we charge a fee for study visits outside Ludvika.

NEW: We have started to make an English version of our Club program page and History page! 


The membership fee is 100 SEK/pa.

Bankgiro 165-1744 or       Nr. 1235843693

Form for membership application

VBIK celebrated its 100-years existance in 2022.

The club issued a book: "Technology development in Västerbergslagen". You can download an English PDF version here!

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